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Insights From Our Experts


Biosimilars and Specialty Pharmacy
Specialty Pharmacies are Ready for the Biosimilar Boom. Are you?

The pharmacy benefit biologic market is primed for disruption, with Specialty Pharmacies (SPs) eagerly awaiting the pending market shift. While biosimilars have been available for nearly a decade in the United States, this year will be…

Position Your Future-Facing Strategy on Digital Therapeutics (DTx) in China

How can DTx resonate with current portfolios and capture incoming opportunities? Key Contributors: Robin Arnold, Executive Vice President; Jerry Song, Associate Principal; Qiwei (Alex) Li, Consultant   The article discusses the potential of digital therapeutics (DTx) in China’s healthcare…

Health Disparity Solutions Build Healthier Communities and a More Equitable Medical Landscape

Achieving equity within healthcare is a harrowing but imperative goal for the industry. Lack of safe housing and healthy food, low income, ethnicity, race, rural living and other social determinants of health (SDOH) can have a…

Navigating the Complexities: Strategies for Asian Pharma Companies Entering the U.S. Market
Navigating the Complexities: Strategies for Asian Pharma Companies Entering the U.S. Market

Key Contributors: Divayum Gupta (Analyst), Tanay Sharma (Consultant), Sowbhagya Suresh (Senior Consultant), Jinsol Kim (Engagement Manager) The United States holds a dominant position in the global pharmaceutical market, accounting for 45% of global sales in 2022.…

Key Considerations When Operationalizing Revenue Management

Pharmaceutical manufacturers commonly invest a considerable amount of time, money and additional resources into revenue management. Most would likely say they desire to invest even more because of the significant impact it has on their products’…

Understanding the Inflation Reduction Act: Drug Price Negotiation

In this second of a series, we explore the details known so far about Medicare drug price negotiation resulting from the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has…

Digital Guide to Commercializing Complex Therapeutics

Pharmaceutical manufacturers specializing in Rare Disease, Oncology, Personalized Cancer Immunotherapy, and Cell and Gene therapies encounter a range of complex challenges, including advancements in medicine and technology, changing patient and provider needs, market access, regulatory pathways,…

Key stakeholders in pricing strategies
Informing Optimal Pricing Strategies with a Comprehensive Modeling Approach

Strategically pricing new therapies has always been vitally important for pharmaceutical manufacturers. After the 2022 passing of the historic legislative package, known as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), strategic pricing strategies have become especially pivotal. The…

The Influx of Generic Launches Leaves Narrow Opportunities for Multiple Sclerosis Access

Since the launch of Sandoz’s Glatopa in June 2015, generic options have slowly entered the multiple sclerosis market, providing some cost relief to payers in this high-cost market. Generic entrants, along with rising costs and a…

Integrating the Pillars of Global Pricing Governance

How Emerging Trends are Demanding a More Holistic View to Drive Maximum Value As the complexity of investments needed to secure patient access to therapy increases, so does the impact of these investments on a company’s…