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Leana Wood

Senior Vice President, Global Strategic Accounts


Patient Journey, Stakeholder Engagement & Promotion (Patients, Payers, Providers)

Leana has been a strategic advisor and partner to leading specialty pharmaceutical companies for more than 20 years.

Her expertise spans an array of areas, including commercialization strategy, product strategy, promotional plan development, and execution of professional and consumer marketing plans. Leana has authored numerous articles and presented at industry conferences on key strategic issues facing the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

Leana has shared her insight at conferences and in leading publications and industry trade journals, including Newsweek, AdWeek, DTC Perspectives, Pharmaceutical Executive, Med Ad News, and PM360.

DTC Perspectives recognized Leana as a Top 25 Marketer. She holds an MBA from DePaul University and a BS from Indiana University.

Articles by Leana Wood

Balancing the Portfolio: How Extending Mature Brands’ Success Can Replenish Costs Invested In Launching New Products

The traditional mindset toward established brands in the pharmaceutical industry has largely been to let focus fade from them and shift entirely to developing and launching new products. With emphasis placed almost exclusively on new product launches, mature brands are essentially starved of any resources to keep them healthy and vital, even if they are […]

Asset Optimization: Breathe New Life Into Mature Brands with EVERSANA REIGNITE™

Maximizing revenue potential throughout products’ entire lifecycles before they reach loss of exclusivity (LOE) is the most impactful return on investment manufacturers can make for their established brands. While many companies figuratively put their mature brands out to pasture to invest more in new products, they ignore the significant revenue still to be gained from […]

A New Era in Point-of-Care Marketing

EVERSANA ENGAGE’s Leana Wood shares insight in PM360 on where she has seen the biggest impact in point of care marketing and the programs that resonate with target audiences. “Point-of-care marketing has a bright and growing future,” said Leana, adding “It is inherently effective because it reaches the consumer right at the decision point of […]

Patients at the Center of Safe and Effective Therapy

First, do no harm. This phrase is synonymous with the Hippocratic oath, the oldest reference to ethics in Western medicine, and it highlights what is generally considered most important in a physician’s medical practice. Help if you can, but not at the risk of further injury to the patient. The spirit of this oath carries […]

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