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Insights From Our Experts


German and United Kingdom Physicians Express Frustration with Health System Challenges

This brief by Health Strategies Insights summarizes preliminary results compiled from twelve 30-minute, one-on-one, in-depth, telephone interviews with a mix of physician specialists from the United Kingdom (U.K.) and Germany. While the physicians discussed benefits of…

Adopting a Patient-Centric Approach to Ensure Safe and Effective Use

Healthcare leaders often talk about ensuring that the right patient receives the right medication at the right time. On its face, this concept seems straightforward. We know that different patients respond differently to different therapies, such…

Facilitating Positive Patient Outcomes At The Frontline

In this new era of outcomes-based healthcare, new therapies are becoming more complex, specialized and data-driven. Demonstrating real-world evidence of a brand’s therapeutic success is dependent on identifying the right patients and sustaining their long-term adherence.…

Innovative Therapies Call for an Integrated Drug Safety and Compliance Model

In this article, Herbert Lee, PharmD, Senior Vice President, Medical Communications and Pharmacovigilance, makes the case for an integrated approach to ensuring the safe and effective use of medications by patients. From emerging therapies to innovative…

Navigating Channel Distribution in a New (and more complex) Biopharma World

Every twist and turn in the bench-to-bedside commercialization journey introduces increasing regulatory complexity, product-specific special handling requirements, and evolving industry guidelines. With more than 300 client case studies to draw from, we’ve found three opportunities (or…

Patients at the Center of Safe and Effective Therapy

First, do no harm. This phrase is synonymous with the Hippocratic oath, the oldest reference to ethics in Western medicine, and it highlights what is generally considered most important in a physician’s medical practice. Help if…

Eight Powerful Strategies Business Leaders Can Build on for Success

Sandra Shpilberg shared insight in a Silicon Valley Business Journal’s article focused on “Eight Powerful Strategies Business Leaders Can Build on for Success.” The article is part of the Journal’s invite-only Leadership Trust panel of influential…

Building a Service Offering from the Research Lab to the Patient’s Home

A Conversation with Pharmaceutical Commerce & Jim Lang, Chief Executive Officer, EVERSANA Not quite a year ago, an assemblage of pharma service providers came into being as EVERSANA. Funded by two private equity firms with a…

Are We Transforming In The Right Way?

Why Product Launches Can’t Be Distracted By Empty Promises. We can all agree that innovations in therapeutic development have advanced beyond traditional product launch strategies and service models. In every step of the product lifecycle, we…

Power in numbers: Seven national plans manage almost half of the medical lives in the U.S.

Market Access Macrotrends provides  insight for you to stay on top of market access trends, anticipate how the healthcare landscape is evolving, and provide strategic guidance for your organization. Market Access Macrotrends answers your questions about changes in…