In the dynamic realm of pharmaceutical marketing, sales representatives and television commercials remain go-to strategies, skillfully weaving narratives that assure patients of a brand’s therapeutic benefits and persuade providers to alter prescribing habits.
Despite their effectiveness, both channels face challenges in expanding their prescriber base and patient population. The focus on “share of voice” through reach and frequency strategies often sidelines the core needs of patients and providers, hindering the conversion of awareness into adoption.
The pharmaceutical landscape has outgrown the traditional promotional model, demanding more than sheer volume to meet the intricate needs of modern healthcare consumers and providers. A paradigm shift is essential, moving beyond the noise of competition to establish a “share of influence” across the entire stakeholder ecosystem. This article by Krista Pinto explores the evolving challenges in the industry and introduces a strategic deployment model that combines the traditional emphasis on “share of voice” with a critical focus on “share of influence.”
To effectively navigate the complex environment, manufacturers must orchestrate dedicated professionals such as Clinical Nurse Educators, Medical Science Liaisons, Field Reimbursement Managers and National Account Managers. These roles play a pivotal part in commercial strategy, ensuring a comprehensive approach that enhances patient access, affordability and adherence. Learn how EVERSANA’s pharma deployment solutions addresses these challenges, paving the way for positive health outcomes and commercial success in the ever-changing modern pharmaceutical landscape.

Krista works with pharmaceutical and biotech companies to find design-effective commercialization solutions. With more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, Krista is an experienced sales representative and district manager, with strong…