Technology Solutions

NAVLIN Price & Access Data

Good decisions start with the most accurate data

NAVLIN Price & Access Data (formerly Pricentric ONE by EVERSANA™) is part of the NAVLIN ecosystem of data, software and insights solutions.  

NAVLIN Price & Access Data is the industry’s most comprehensive, highly accurate database of global price and market access intelligence, providing the right answers to the right questions to inform your strategy at launch and beyond.

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Everything You Need in a Single Consolidated Environment

The NAVLIN Price & Access Data portal provides:

  • Global Data Service: Pharmaceutical pricing strategies derived from dependable sources around the globe, tracking 100+ countries
  • Price Intelligence: Monitor competitors’ responses to your price changes, get daily updates on global prices and more via our easy-to-use web portal and mobile app.
  • HTA Data: Easily compare decisions across products and their comparators at the indication level with the most comprehensive HTA coverage.
  • Tender Data: Improve strategic decision-making process with global analytics and insights to local dynamics in real time.
  • Cost of Treatment Data: Compare costs across therapies and indications using our cost-of-treatment calculator.
  • Reimbursement Data: Track reimbursement data by indication for key global markets.
  • News & Country Reports: Get daily policy and reimbursement updates for products around the globe.
  • Special Reports: Based on data analysis and strategic evaluation
  • Analysis Beyond Data: Full access to knowledgeable data analysts
  • Updates made <24 hours from time of publication
  • +40 bodies of HTA decisions
  • 99.8% data accuracy
  • 5.5M Price points

Experience the NAVLIN Difference


NAVLIN Price & Access Data is updated in real time, providing users with the industry’s most accurate pricing and market access data. Our database manages every product in more than 100 countries and provinces, including complete historical coverage in most countries.

Easy to Use

The combination of comprehensive pricing and market access data, one-click insights and expert support enables teams to focus
on strategy and improved decision-making.

Expert Support

Our team of analysts offers 24×7 support and assists in the development of custom reports to meet your most pressing needs.


NAVLIN Price & Access Data provides global pricing, analytics, HTA, regulatory, clinical, and economic data along with news and insights in a single platform.

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Is BeNeLuxA Equipped for a Zolgensma Assessment?

Global Pharma Pricing Regulations

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The world is facing a multitude of governing and legislative changes that will directly affect pharmaceutical pricing in the coming years, with many of these changes exacerbated by the pandemic. As countries become increasingly interconnected, decisions in one pharmaceutical market will have ripple effects globally. Reasons for traditional launch sequencing include market size, opportunity and […]