EVERSANA’s High-Quality HEOR Methods Recognized in Published Independent Review

A recent independent review conducted by Serret-Larmande and colleagues, featured in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, meticulously evaluated population-adjusted indirect comparisons published from 2010-2022. The analysis focused on assessing the reporting quality of methods and results across identified articles.

The review, which scrutinized 133 articles, revealed a prevalent issue of unclear, inconsistent, or even absent reporting. The authors highlighted this observation, emphasizing the need for improvement in reporting standards.

Despite these challenges, the discussion section of the review acknowledged two studies that demonstrated noteworthy methodology and reporting completeness. Notably, one of these two studies was an MAIC published in 2021 by EVERSANA.

It is worth noting that this particular publication earned distinction as the most downloaded article from the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research 2021, amassing over 6,000 downloads. The recognition further underscores the value and impact of EVERSANA’s high-quality HEOR methods within the life sciences research community.

Anja Haltner, MSc
Associate Director, Biostatistics, Value & Evidence Services

Anja brings over 10 years of academic and industry experience in applied statistical analyses. Anja’s research focuses on population-adjusted indirect treatment comparisons including matching-adjusted indirect comparisons, simulated treatment comparisons, and propensity score matching and…

Becky Hooper
Manager, Data Analytics & Evidence Synthesis

Becky has an academic background in mathematics and 5 years of industry experience in indirect treatment comparisons. Becky is experienced in a broad range of ITC methods including meta-analysis, network meta-analysis, matching-adjusted indirect comparison,…