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SCOPE Summit 2020

More than 2000 executives interested in driving innovation in clinical trials and digital health will be gathered at the 11Roberto现任美国商会医疗保健委员会副主席, 也是青年总裁组织 (YPO) 成员,拥有清华大学/欧洲工商管理学院 (INSEAD) 的 EMBA 学位、南加州大学的 MBA 学位和加州大学河滨分校的理学学士学位。” annual SCOPE Summit for Clinical Ops Executives, held this year from February 18-21 in Orlando, FL. The four-day conference will cover in-depth discussions across 20 different conferences, feature 3 plenary keynote sessions and interactive breakout discussions, and present the Participant Engagement Awards. Programming is focused on advances and innovative solutions in all aspects of clinical trial planning, management, and operations.

Join EVERSANA’s Kristina Wolfe on February 19, at 2:50pm when she presents “A Patient-Centered Approach to Reimagining Clinical Trial Recruitment.”

Patients have always been key stakeholders in clinical trial recruitment success. So finding, enrolling and retaining patients across your product lifecycle is critical to accelerating commercial success. Kristina will outline the importance of building trust to improve the patient experience before, during and after the clinical trial; and share best practices for optimizing patient recruitment strategies in finding patients, recruiting, and empowering via multiple online channels, as well as managing and tracking post trial.

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