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EVERSANA Sponsors Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit

Join us at the  Virtual 2020 Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit, September 14-16.

The summit provides unparalleled access to the government regulators creating the rules, the industry leaders interpreting them, and the pharmaceutical executives implementing them.

This year, join us for the following session, presented by Mike Kurland, one of our experts in Government Pricing and Revenue Management.

PRESENTATION: “The Operational Impacts of Value-Based Contracting and Executive Orders on Government Pricing”

As the complex pharmaceutical regulatory framework changes at a breathtaking pace, Mike Kurland’s upcoming presentation at MDRP will review the operational impacts of several of the key regulatory proposals and orders from the last several months:

  • Operationalizing Value-Based Contracting – Has the door been opened, and how do we prepare for an increase in Value-Based strategies?
  • Managing Coupons and Vouchers – Do we have the right data, and what is the impact on Best Price?
  • Line Extensions – How far does this go, and is your organization set up to assess GP impacts?
  • Medicare – Understanding the changes in Part B & Part D and preparing for the operational impacts.
  • Executive Order to Buy American – How are you estimating impacts to your VA/Tricare liability?

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Stay Connected:

On June 17, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a proposed rule outlining nine specific changes to Medicaid regulations. Five of these directly affect manufacturers through changes in administration of the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (MDRP):

  1. Value-based Purchasing Arrangements
  2. Line Extensions
  3. Patient Assistance Programs
  4. MDRP Definition Clarifications
  5. Authorized Generics

Download EVERSANA’s new report to learn how pharma manufacturers will be directly affected by the proposed “best price” rule and its impact on value-based purchases.

How We Can Help
As the complex pharmaceuticals regulatory framework changes at a breathtaking pace, EVERSANA helps you respond quickly and adapt to government pricing processes without sacrificing competitive advantage.

Click here to schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation with our team of experts to learn what you can do to ensure readiness with these potential MDRP changes.