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Headshot of Abril Oliva Ramírez

Abril Oliva Ramirez


Abril is a Manager of Evidence Synthesis at EVERSANA with over five years of experience in systematic and targeted literature reviews, as well as indirect treatment comparison feasibility assessments. She has contributed to projects across various disease areas, including hematological oncology, breast cancer, and multiple sclerosis. She holds a master’s in clinical epidemiology from the University of Queensland.

Articles by Abril Oliva Ramirez

Cutting-edge Insights from EVERSANA's Global Value & Evidence Team
New Insights into Brain Volume Loss in MS

We are excited to announce that members of the EVERSANA team have contributed to a significant publication in BMC Neurology. The study, titled “Brain volume loss in relapsing multiple sclerosis: indirect treatment comparisons of available disease-modifying therapies,” provides valuable insights into the effects of various treatments on brain volume loss (BVL) in patients with relapsing […]

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