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Global Life Science Services Platform Unites Under New Name, EVERSANA™

MILWAUKEE – October 1, 2018 – The fast-growing life science services platform built in partnership with Water Street Healthcare Partners and JLL Partners, today unveiled its new name and brand: EVERSANA.™ Anchored to the Latin word “sana” for healthy and “ever” for continual evolution, the new name reflects the expanding platform’s commitment to advancing life science services for a healthier world.

EVERSANA encompasses the six premier service providers that Water Street and JLL Partners merged over the past year to form the industry-leading platform, including Dohmen Life Science Services, The Access Group, Alliance Life Sciences, Health Strategies Group, Triplefin, and Patient Experience Project. Together as EVERSANA, the organization delivers a fully-integrated service portfolio to help life science leaders create value for key constituents across the product lifecycle.

“As our name implies, EVERSANA is poised to offer the services and products that support today’s needs and tomorrow’s future,” said Jim Lang, chief executive officer, EVERSANA. “Together, we offer integrated solutions to the life science industry that address the shift to value-based, patient-centered care and deliver long-term sustainable value for payers, providers, channel partners, and patients.”

EVERSANA offers the largest service array for critical rare, orphan, and complex specialty therapies. Its portfolio includes management and regulatory strategy, marketing agencies, outsourced distribution, patient engagement and support, pharamacovigilance, medical communication, and safety, as well as research, global pricing software and analytics.

“We’ve bridged the gap between science and sales to bring forward-looking commercial thinking to the world of innovation, as well as scientific excellence throughout the product lifecycle,” added Lang.

The company’s new logo features images of building blocks to represent its key service areas that surround a central point to reinforce a focus on the patient, and a flower to represent the growth of a new model to support healthier outcomes. While uniting under the brand and operational strength of EVERSANA, companies and products offered within the portfolio will continue to operate under legacy brands for specified periods of time.

As one entity, EVERSANA employs more than 1,500 experts and professionals around the world that collaborate with more than 500 clients to maximize the impact of new therapies. To learn more about EVERSANA:

  • Visit to access the corporate portfolio’s service and product-line websites
  • Watch our video to learn more about our name, logo, and value
  • Follow the latest company news, investments and events through LinkedIn and Twitter


EVERSANA is the leading independent provider of global services to the life science industry. The company’s integrated solutions are rooted in the patient experience and span all stages of the product lifecycle to deliver long-term, sustainable value for patients, prescribers, channel partners and payers. The company serves more than 500 organizations, including innovative start-ups and established pharmaceutical companies to advance life science services for a healthier world. To learn more about EVERSANA, visit