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Ram Prasanna, Director, HEOR & RWE

Ram Prasanna

Director, HEOR & RWE


Health Economic Research, Health Research Methods, HEOR, RWE

"Ram 在医疗领域拥有超过 15 年的经验,在执行市场研究项目、证据综合、观察性研究、数据分析、真实世界证据以及协助全球制药、生物技术和医疗器械公司在亚太、美国、欧盟和中东等多个市场执行卫生经济项目方面拥有丰富的实践经验。

在加入 EVERSANA 之前,Ram 曾在葛兰素史克、赛诺菲等制药公司以及弗若斯特沙利文、SIRO Clinpharm 和 IQVIA 等咨询/CRO 公司工作很长时间,领导项目管理、交付、客户服务和业务开发团队。

Ram 荣获健康经济学和药物经济学理学硕士学位以及生物技术理学硕士学位。他还完成了印度一流学院(印度管理学院)的销售和营销证书课程。"

Articles by Ram Prasanna

Read Now: Role of Decentralized Trials for Newer Drug Approvals
Role of Decentralized Trials for Newer Drug Approvals

Decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) are an innovative approach to conducting clinical research where aspects of the trial are carried out remotely, allowing patients to participate from their homes or local healthcare facilities. DCTs offer several advantages over traditional trials, including increased patient participation and diversity, improved convenience and flexibility for patients, and faster, more efficient […]

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