In their special November/December issue, PharmaVOICE asked industry leaders to think beyond the status quo and provide insight into what needs to happen to achieve aspirational goals and evolve the healthcare industry in 2020. In the feature article titled, What if…” PharmaVOICE turns to their community of thought leaders to weigh in on their own questions. Topics ranged from funding for innovation to unlocking the value of healthcare data and achieving data interoperability, of HEOR informing all healthcare decisions and patients being the ultimate decision makers in the drug development process, to living in a world without disease.
EVERSANA’s Greg Skalicky, Chief Revenue Officer, shares his insight on the impact of breaking down the silos throughout pre- to post-commercialization. To read Greg’s response, click here.
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EVERSANA employs a team of over 6000 professionals across 20+ locations around the world. From industry-leading patient service and adherence support to global pricing and revenue management, our team informs the strategies that matter…