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Mahendra Rai

Senior Director, HEOR



"Mahendra 在成果研究、健康经济学、现实世界洞察和观察性研究方面拥有超过 15 年的经验,涉足制药、医疗器械、诊断和 OTC 等生命科学领域。

在加入 EVERSANA 之前,Mahendra 曾在 IQVIA、TCS 和 Parexel 等多家咨询公司/合同研究组织 (CRO) 工作 15 年,专注于制定全球战略,为生命科学产品的报销提供支持。

Mahendra 拥有医院与临床研究药学硕士学位,目前正在攻读商业管理(临床研究方向)博士学位。他目前是国际药物经济学与结果研究学会 (ISPOR) 印度孟买分会的当选主席,还是印度临床研究学会 (ISCR) 真实世界证据 (RWE) 理事会的主席。"

Articles by Mahendra Rai

Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison (MAIC): An Established Methodology for Comparing Treatment Efficacies Across Trials

In the realm of comparative effectiveness research (CER), decision-makers often face challenges when attempting to compare treatment efficacies due to limited availability of comparative data, especially for new therapies. This white paper introduces the Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison (MAIC) methodology as a powerful technique for addressing these evidence gaps. MAIC combines individual patient data (IPD) from […]

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