Valuation & Financial Analysis

Valuing pharmaceutical or MedTech assets alone, in portfolios, or as a whole enterprise is challenging, as much of the value depends on future performance under a wide range of possible scenarios. Valuation is often required for transactions, whether trade deals, initial public offerings (IPOs), licensing, partnership or merger and acquisitions (M&A). Our leaders have supported companies from venture capital (VC) firms and private equity (PE) sale and IPO, through asset sales, corporate deals and partnering. We bring the analytical approaches to drive deals to closure and support negotiations through insights derived from valuation, as well as supporting companies who simply require valuations as benchmarks for comparison or platforms for corporate initiatives.

  • Asset Valuation: Influence diagram describing sources of uncertainty, parametric financial model to project cash flows, sensitivity analysis to measure the effect of uncertainty on prospects, Monte Carlo or decision tree analysis to combine individual uncertainties into a full-scope probabilistic valuation
  • Portfolio Valuation: The same range of methodology, together with assessing synergies and other cross-portfolio effects, analysis of risk concentration and fundamental drivers
  • Corporate Valuation: Include enterprise risk and concentration, financing and sources and uses of capital to reflect all factors affecting valuation
  • Financial analysis: In cases where valuation is not the primary objective, but financial analysis is required to make specific financing, corporate or strategic choices, we bring a full range of methodologies and experience to address multiple perspectives on performance, value and capital sourcing
  • Due Diligence: Required when valuing inbound assets

Valuation forms a part of most of our engagements, from identifying the effect of different TPPs on an asset’s value, through presenting the financial prospects for a VC-backed new venture in an IPO, to understanding the value contribution of corporate divisions to overall shareholder value.

Find out how we can take your business to the next level.

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