Webinar: Coupon & Co-Pay Conference 2021

Leveraging eServices and Technology to Improve Access and Co-pay Card Utilization

Payers and self-insured employers are driving enrollment in high-deductible health plans, shifting financial risk to patients and increasing out-of-pocket costs. As a guest presenter at Informa’s annual Coupon and Co-Pay 2021, EVERSANA’s Tom Doyle outlined how manufacturers can leverage predictive analytics, omnichannel and personalized engagements to ensure patient affordability and access. Watch now:

 Go Beyond Co-pay to Deliver Customized Patient Support and Drive Therapy Adoption

Payers and self-insured employers are driving enrollment in high-deductible health plans, shifting financial risk to patients and significantly increasing patient out-of-pocket costs. As a result, patients are at risk of a gap in medication adherence, discontinued use or switching to another product.

At EVERSANA, we’ve elevated our affordability solutions above the norms of the traditional model to ensure patients stay on therapy. Our HIPAA- and government-compliant affordability solution offers a direct-to-patient payment method to cover out-of-pocket costs and ensures patients receive the full benefits of the program.

Ready to talk to one of our Affordability Experts? Schedule a Meeting.  


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EVERSANA employs a team of over 6000 professionals across 20+ locations around the world. From industry-leading patient service and adherence support to global pricing and revenue management, our team informs the strategies that matter…