QUIZ: How Mature Are Your HCP & Patient Engagement Strategies?

In the increasingly virtual world we live in, there’s no denying the instrumental role that technology plays in engaging patients and healthcare providers (HCPs). With heavier reliance across industries on text alerts, automated phone reminders and digital ads that bring product promotion directly to consumers, people expect this same level of digital outreach for their medications; but that doesn’t mean in-person touchpoints should disappear.

How are you leveraging technology in your patient and HCP outreach strategies? Like many of us, you might have relied on digital outreach during the pandemic, and now you’re exploring new ways to better integrate in-person and digital engagement strategies. Not sure if or where your strategies have room to grow? Take this short quiz to see if you’re effectively using technology and human touchpoints to engage with patients and HCPs and, ultimately, drive therapy adoption.

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions:

  1. Are you leveraging technology to speed up patient onboarding and/or improving their overall experience?
  2. Are you utilizing digital tools that are embedded within the workflow of your providers’ existing platforms (e.g., electronic medical records)?
  3. Do your field reimbursement managers work directly with your patient services hub to solve immediate access and affordability barriers?
  4. Is your patient services hub leveraging personalized engagement to keep patients on therapy?
  5. Are you utilizing digital solutions to augment your patient services team’s ability to be more effective and efficient when servicing patients?
  6. Are you leveraging data from your patient services hub to generate actionable insights across your commercial strategy?
  7. Is your field deployment team empowered by real-world data to effectively communicate your product’s brand value and benefit to providers?
  8. Are you working with a team of experts who understand how to optimize teams, technology and resources and drive bottom-line impact?
  9. Are you providing real-time visibility into insurance benefits, patient support programs and associated costs to patients?
  10. Are your digital solutions eliminating providers’ and office managers’ burdens while increasing speed to therapy and ensuring prescriptions are managed properly?

Tally up how many questions you answered “yes” to; then review your score below!


If you answered YES to 0-4 questions: It’s time to take your patient/HCP engagement strategies to the next level! Today’s patients and providers have different needs than consumers did 10-15 years ago. The good news is, you have multiple opportunities to elevate your commercial strategy and drive long-term brand success.

If you answered YES to 5 questions, you’re halfway there! Maybe your in-person engagement strategy is strong, but your digital strategies lack impact — or vice versa. Let’s tie your engagement strategies together with data-driven, integrated technologies.

If you answered YES to 6-10 questions: You’ve got all the right pieces. Next, it’s time to ensure you’re using the right touchpoints at the right time. While interactive wellness apps, generous co-pay card offerings and essential patient assistance programs help a brand appear “patient-centric,” these programs often fall short on the back end, leading to failed adoption and prescription abandonment.

In solving for today’s access, affordability and adherence challenges, manufacturers need to combine the forces of high-tech and high-touch solutions to create a cohesive brand experience and outreach strategies that ensure maximum impact for patients and providers.

Ready to embrace high-impact engagement strategies? Read more in The Power to Know When: Balancing Tech and High-Touch Solutions to Eliminate Access, Affordability and Adherence Barriers, or schedule a meeting with our team of experts today. 

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EVERSANA employs a team of over 6000 professionals across 20+ locations around the world. From industry-leading patient service and adherence support to global pricing and revenue management, our team informs the strategies that matter…