Italy Tackles HTA, Pricing and Reimbursement Reforms

In July, new legislation set to overhaul the way pharmaceuticals are priced in Italy was finally implemented, following an announcement that dates all the way back to August 2019. The provision, which was signed by then Ministers Giulia Grillo (Health) and Giovanni Tria (Economy), has rolled out new criteria and methods by which the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) determines, via negotiation, the prices of drugs reimbursed by the national health service (SSN).

Italy finally rolled out the new policy this year, replacing the “Delibera CIPE” that had governed the Italian pricing and reimbursement of medicines since 2001.

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NAVLIN Price & Access Data is a powerful competitor intelligence tool that provides near real-time updates to drug price (list / net), reimbursement, tender and cost of treatment information at the indication level. Our…