Client Story: An Ode to EVERSANA

At EVERSANA, putting our clients and patients first is at the forefront of everything we do.  

Recently, when EVERSANA ENGAGE’s Bausch & Lomb (B&L) team closed out their last event of their speaker series, they didn’t just receive any feedback. They received a poem.

Jodi Ceberio, Managing Director, Client Services, said that this poem is a special thank you to Alex Marquez, who leads the EVERSANA ENGAGE Meeting Services Team. “Alex has been instrumental in growing our B&L business and we are so grateful for her!”  

“I want to send my sincere thank you for all you have done this year to help us,” said Dr. Jim Hoffman, B&L representative and featured poet.


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You helped B&L so much this year,
That we wanted to say thank you! 

You scheduled and rescheduled,
For each event you did not hesitate,
To do everything for the portal and travel,
That really made the events great! 

In 2021, as we conducted virtual events,
You made sure we were on a screen,
But then when in-person was approved,
You created events where we could be seen!

As a team you worked with each of us,
Some days it was even coast to coast,
To make VTMs and speakers look good,
And so it is YOU we want to toast!

You researched and booked restaurants,
To be sure each one was a treat,
The attendees were pleased and commented,
“B&L’s venues for events can’t be beat!” 

The portal was up-to-date and organized,
It kept all of our events straight,
And you reminded us about invoices,
To be sure our payments weren’t late! 

B&L speaking events excelled this year,
Our appreciation, we wanted to share,
To EVERSANA, thank you for how much you care! 

Learn more about how our agency services help clients meet their patients’ needs.


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EVERSANA employs a team of over 6000 professionals across 20+ locations around the world. From industry-leading patient service and adherence support to global pricing and revenue management, our team informs the strategies that matter…