Case Study: Multiple Sclerosis Employer Strategy Development

We supported a large pharmaceutical company in the development of an employer-focused market access strategy for its pipeline asset.

the situation

The Situation

  • Our client, a large pharmaceutical company, was developing a Phase 3 candidate for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
  • We initially conducted a feasibility assessment of an employer-focused market access strategy to better achieve product access.
  • The company’s goal was to understand the employer market access environment, as well as what success looks like when targeting the employer channel.
the solution

The Solution

  • First, our team conducted secondary research to develop hypotheses to test via primary market research. Additionally, we wanted to understand which stakeholders would provide the complete picture of employer market access.
  • Next, we conducted numerous in-depth interviews (IDIs) with employers, employee benefit consultants (EBCs), and employer coalition groups to better understand the employer strategy process, key considerations, and stakeholders; employers’ perception of MS; and employers’ perception of our client’s investigational product.
  • Finally, we synthesized our findings and facilitated a working session with the broader brand, employer, and access team to define objectives and a path forward for this employer strategy.