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AusBiotech 2023

EVERSANA is a proud sponsor of AusBiotech 2023 taking place 1-3 November in Brisbane.

The 2023 event will continue to advance the biotech community with local and international industry leaders building relationships and having the opportunity to recharge, re-energise and refresh.

Hear from EVERSANA Experts

Join EVERSANA’s Ravi Visweswara, Executive Vice President on 1 November, 2:00 – 3:30pm as he speaks on the panel, Finding the Right Investment Partner: Doing Your Own Due Diligence. 

This session will see selected sophisticated investors and pharma partners discuss what they offer alongside investment, how they factor ‘environment, social and governance’ (ESG) into investments, and reverse-pitch to companies, explaining why they should be a partner of choice and how to assess which partner is right for you.

Connect with EVERSANA at AusBiotech 2023

싱가포르 지역 본부를 비롯하여 아시아 태평양 지역과 세계 전역에 지사를 두고 있는 EVERSANA는 통합형 서비스와 솔루션을 통해 임상 및 상용화 성공을 앞당겨 드립니다. 끊임없는 진화와 적응을 통해 아시아 태평양 고객사가 현지 시장과 세계 시장에서 접하고 있는 복잡한 문제를 해결해 드립니다.

Connect with EVERSANA’s experts in-person at Australia’s largest life sciences conference.

Schedule a meeting