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Tim Lewis

SVP, Strategic Development


Brand Plan Development, Client Services, Clinical Trials, Launch Readiness, Marketing and Advertising, Oncology, Product Launch

Tim has served as a strategic lead to healthcare companies for more than 25 years in advertising, marketing, and finance roles in agency and client settings. His work spans ​pre-clinical to sunset strategies and from brand infrastructure to digital roadmaps. He has helped stand up clinical trial recruitment efforts at the franchise level, primarily in the oncology space. This work has involved establishing corporate standards around managing PHI and PII across markets and trials. Tim has also worked on numerous oncology launch brands as well as repositioning mid-cycle brands for growth. He has built his career as a trusted counselor in healthcare, providing deep knowledge of customer preferences and trends in the life science vertical.

A regular author and speaker on topics of interest to the healthcare industry, Tim currently leads organization-level initiatives across business strategy and development.

Articles by Tim Lewis

FDA Guidance and Considerations for Scientific Exchange Communication Strategies

In light of draft guidance issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the communication of scientific information of unapproved uses (SIUU) of approved medical medical products, EVERSANA continues to assess the potential risk and opportunity for more informative conversations between pharmaceutical manufacturer representatives and healthcare providers (HCPs) regarding the care of individual patients. In this new article by Anne Marie Robertson and Tim Lewis, discover top-level considerations for SIUU guidance across various channels and how it may impact manufacturers and their field force strategies. Some topics discussed throughout the article include: Context of the FDA guidance Field usage Guidance history Considerations for SIUU communications across media, website […]

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