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New Medicines, New Access, New Frontiers

How psychedelics, cell therapies and other innovations are driving regulatory reform and new patient access

Science is improving exponentially. What’s now possible, through new medicines, and entirely new categories of medicine, could only be dreamt of just a decade ago. Doctors and patients are naturally excited about the oncoming pipeline.

But while science improves exponentially, regulators do not. Indeed, many of the checks and balances, as well as stakeholder attitudes, take much longer to reform. The pressure is on: regulatory evolution must be safe and sensible, yet every day’s delay will mean patients are left untreated.

In this Impatient Health webinar, EVERSANA’s Mike Ryan, Executive Vice President, Europe, discusses with other industry leaders how to bring these therapies to market. Watch the full webinar on-demand now.

Mike Ryan
General Manager, Europe

With more than 25 years of experience in the life sciences industry, Mike has held global leadership positions in both clinical development and life sciences software companies. Given this experience, he is highly experienced…